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  • How can help me?
    We offer several beverage container recovery solutions to minimize impact on environment,
  • What containers can I redeem?
    Every container that has NY 5¢ deposit value stated on it. Generally: carbonated soft drinks, water, mineral water or seltzer, beer and other malt beverages. Containers FROM: milk, wine or liquors, teas, hard ciders or water with added sugar DO NOT hold deposit value and cannot be redeemed.
  • Do I have to use
    No, you can get refund on deposit you have paid from the store where beverage was purchased. However, store that doesn't sell specific product is not required to issue refund for it. We accept most containers with NY 5¢ deposit value!
  • Does cost me anything?
    Not really! Opening account with us is free! We will even supply you with your first 5 free bags. However, after that you will need to pay 20¢ per bag, which are fully recyclable! We're not in business of selling bags and you will need to put your containers in the bag for transportation. Solution? Lets use our standarized size bag at minimum cost to your wallet and environment.
  • Can I crush my cans or bottles, it saves space?"
    Unfortunately, you cant! Containers must be intact, not corroded or crushed and empty. While by law it is not required to wash containers, we ask our clients to maintain reasonable sanitory conditions.
  • Why do I need bag tags?
    Your bag tag holds your identifying information, so it is very important for a tag to be on the bag in order for us to properly credit your account.
  • How many containers fit into one bag?
    About 70-110, depending on the size and type. For safety reasons bags cannot be heavier than 20lbs.
  • How do I get my money?
    Depending on which one of our solutions you subscribed to, we can reimburse you in cash, check, Paypal or Venmo. For our Dropbox or Dropoff subscribers, we ask 48 hours for account to be credited
  • Why wasnt my account credited with correct amount?
    We can only redeem containers with NY 5¢ deposit label. So if you brought to us 100 containers that you think are redeemable, 5 are from ice tea or milk products, which do not carry NY 5¢ deposit. You will be credited for 95 bottles or cans.
  • Do I have to provide personal information to open an account?
    Yes you do, we need to know who you are! We also need to identify you in case there is an issue with your account. We will never share or sell your private information.

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